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Media Options:

We print on both canvas and paper. There is only one canvas used, which is fine art quality. It contains no optical brighteners, and has been certified to last 100 years without any noticeable degradation. We apply a UV coating to further protect the image.

There are two specialty papers offered. One is a smooth 100% cotton, 300gsm matte paper which was designed specifically for photography. The other is a lightly textured fine art paper, similar to watercolor paper. It is also 100% cotton and 310 gsm. Both papers are also certified to last 100 years without noticeable degradation.

Stretched Canvas Options:

There are two ways to print your image on canvas:

  1. If you plan on framing the canvas, specify a regular stretched canvas. We stretch over standard 3/4” stretcher bars and staple on the sides.

  2. Our second method is a gallery wrap stretch. Here we wrap the canvas over a heavy 1 1/2” deep bar and staple the canvas on the back.

Gallery Wrap Options:

If a gallery wrap stretch is chosen, the following side borders are available:

    Photo Wrap Border

    1.5 inches of photograph is wrapped over the sides. This option is best when the subject or focal point is well away from the edges.

    Mirrored Wrap Border

    This method is a reflection of the 1.5 inch edge of the photograph. Subject and focal point must be inside the 1.5 inch border of the photo. Otherwise side wrap will reflect odd items and objects. If this does occur, it can usually be modified by digitally manipulating the border

    (for an additional fee if complex).

    Solid Border

    In most cases black is used, but a complementary color could be chosen.

© Giclee Studio 2006-2009